Saturday, 12 March 2011

He's calling out to you...are you going to listen?

Everywhere we look and listen lately there seems to be another devastating event in our world. Earthquakes, bushfires, tsunamis, landslides, war, name it, you are sure to have seen/heard it frequently in the last 12 months. Alot of people have been asking, what is going on? Why is this happening? These people deserve a break - when will 'Mother Nature' let go? Is it the end times?

I believe we have been in the 'end times' for quite some time now. But i dont believe it is something to be afraid about. These events are awful and each time a new one is broadcast, it sends shivers down our spines. It brings fear into our hearts as we wonder if our family and friends are safe and ok, and as we think about the poor people who have lost everything.

But why are these events happening? 

I believe someone is trying to get our attention. For years we have ignored Him, denied Him, and gone on living our lives as the Kings of our own little worlds. He has had enough....He wants us to return to Him and recognise that He is God of all  - He gave us life and He can take it away. He wants us to lean on Him and realise that we are here for a purpose, we arent to live meaningless lives anymore. He desires us, wholeheartedly, and wants us to submit to His plan and purpose for our lives. He wants us to fall into His loving arms and rely on Him, instead of what we think is right.

God doesnt want this devastation to continue, but how else is He to get our attention? People are not listening and He is crying out to us through these events saying, when will you return to me and acknowledge me as the God of all creation? When will you call out my name and worship me, instead of the gods you so mindlessly follow? I created this world and I can destroy it, when will you learn?

Our time on this Earth is short, but there is eternal life with Christ in Heaven if we believe He is the One, holy God...if we believe He is our Saviour. There is going to continue to be more devastation, more natural disasters, and more bloodshed - it is written in His Word and it will come to pass. We should not fear this but instead continue to fast and pray for those that dont know Him, that they might give their lives over to Him for He is the one who can provide us with comfort, love and compassion. He is gracious and provides our every need. We dont need to fear.

He wants to carry our cross for us....when will you hand yours over to Him and walk in the light?
He is calling out for you....what will it take for you to listen?

Much love

Revelation 3:19-20
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.