Stumbling through this life...making mistakes along the way.
You pick me up, dust me off and set me on my way again.
Your wings cover me, protect me from the hurts of this world.
Your promise is sure, your will is perfect.
You dont judge only see me as your beautiful child
when all i feel is ugly, filthy, unloved.
You hold me tight and remind me that you created me...i have a purpose on this earth.
Beautiful things come from the pain, trials and temptations we are put through.
Not only do they make us stronger, they are there to help others go through the same things.
You remind me that you are my 1 true love...the one person on this earth who will never let me down.
Im trusting in you for deliverance, for freedom...i look to you.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Fight for what you believe in...
A recurring theme over the past few weeks for me has been this...dont give up fighting for what you believe in and what you want in life. Too often I think we can easily give up on these things that are so central to who we are as a person, be it because it is just easier to or because Satan gets into our thoughts and makes us believe we are silly or wrong for wanting such things. He is a deceiver and quite frankly, a wretched stink and I hate seeing the damage he causes in our lives! I hate seeing him tear apart relationships, bring down people's self-image and isolate people. It seems he will go to almost any lengths to win over you in these areas...but we need to be reminded that God wont let us be succumbed to any more than we can handle. Aside from this, we also have a choice to fight back. If you are lonely, dont put up with it! Make that effort to connect with people - go out of your way! If you are struggling with temptation...FIGHT back...dive into God's word and allow Him to work in your heart to bring you back to healing and on the path to purity....If you are feeling worthless, ugly or depressed about life and what you are doing...remember God's promise that you are made in His image and HE has a perfect plan for your life. Trust in God for the desires of your heart, but remember also to get out there and help yourself! There are things you can do to make your situation better....but always draw near to God and He will make your paths straight and your heart whole.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
An update...
I'm back! :)
After having some time off Blogging (not for any real reason apart from the busyness of life!) I thought i would come back for a quick update post!
We recently went on our first 4 week European holiday together and had a great time! There were some hiccups along the way...but they just made us appreciate how much we love and are blessed to live in Perth! We got to see the sites of London, Paris, Venice and Rome and all-in-all just enjoyed being in each others company for the 4 weeks!
Through it all...we are learning to continue to trust in God and have faith that He will provide and He will look after us. No problem is too big or too small for Him, and He cares about every little thing we are going through. He wants to be there for us and carry us through the tough times...and He does that :) If it weren't for His love...i honestly dont know how we would get by!
After having some time off Blogging (not for any real reason apart from the busyness of life!) I thought i would come back for a quick update post!
We recently went on our first 4 week European holiday together and had a great time! There were some hiccups along the way...but they just made us appreciate how much we love and are blessed to live in Perth! We got to see the sites of London, Paris, Venice and Rome and all-in-all just enjoyed being in each others company for the 4 weeks!
Also... for those of you that dont know..we are expecting our first baby in November this year! I am currently 22 weeks along and enjoying every minute! I would say the first trimester was quite a scary time...with the unknowns that come along in early pregnancy, but i have been blessed with no morning sickness, or any of the other common pregnancy symptoms! I am loving my growing belly and feeling our little one kick and move around alot! We do know what we are having, and if you want to know please PM me as some of my family members want it to be a suprise! ;)
Matt has begun a new, exciting job that is looking to be quite promising for his future career prospects, and I am still enjoying working where I am (although secretly looking forward to maternity leave, too!).
It's proving to be a busy 2011, with my beautiful older sister having her engagement party in August, my gorgeous little sister having her 18th party at the end of October and us having our baby (in amongst our birthdays and other friends/families) in November! This year is just going to fly by and be filled with wonderful family events and memories!
Through it all...we are learning to continue to trust in God and have faith that He will provide and He will look after us. No problem is too big or too small for Him, and He cares about every little thing we are going through. He wants to be there for us and carry us through the tough times...and He does that :) If it weren't for His love...i honestly dont know how we would get by!
Have a fantastic week everyone, and hopefully these posts shall become a bit more regular now! :)
Much love

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