Ugh...Sleep, where for art thou?
I wish I had listened more to those that kept telling me whilst i was pregnant to make the most of your sleep now before the baby comes along! I never in my wildest dreams believed how hard it would be to function on so little sleep! I also didnt believe i was going to have a baby that found it so difficult to sleep! Oh, naive were you!
My little bundle of joy is now 14 weeks old, and from when she was about 4 weeks up until about 10 weeks old, she was a GREAT night sleeper! Always going from 10pm till 5am, no fuss, no dummy, straight from the boob to the bed! I was in HEAVEN, and although she wasnt the best day sleeper - i could function as i was getting a great night sleep. BUT..the sleeping fairies decided to change all this on me, roughly about the same time as her immunisations! Grr... Now, not only do I have a fuss at the boob, need a dummy to do her cat naps through the day baby...i also scored one of these at night time too! How lucky am I! :)

I am also a mother of a baby who doesnt like playing on her own...or with toys for that matter! There is not much that can entertain this little minx! I have rockers, bouncers, play mats, rattles, crinkly books, mirrors, bumbos...pretty much most gadgets under the sun...however, she would much rather you entertain her! Which means constantly sitting beside her, singing to her, walking her around, standing her up, smilling at her and pulling funny faces! But...not for long, as she gets cranky and bored - about 40 mins max and she will have a whinge! (You can see where i am going with this right? lol...Nothing much else gets done around the house!)

I am the mother that when out in public has a pram that is empty and ends up carrying the baby around the shops instead as the baby is so fussy! Also, the mother that you see on the train standing up trying to pat the baby to sleep as, heaven forbid I sit down when I try and get her to sleep...she wont have a bar of that either! The mother that pulls over on the side of the freeway and has to get the baby out of the car seat to calm her down she is that upset! :P

HOWEVER...despite all these little traits to my beautiful baby girl...I must say...she makes up for it in her personality! Although she drives me crazy sometimes when she only breastfeeds for 2 mins, gets bored during play time, keeps dropping her dummy, even though she wants it, and cries the WHOLE time in any car ride wherever i go....she always finds the time to stop and give me a cheeky grin to say, "mum, I love you!" Ive resolved to the fact that yes, I dont have an easy baby...but it can only get better! Im going to take each day as it comes and just deal with it! Step by step! AND...when she is all grown up and telling me how much she hates me for certain things, you dont reckon im going to remind her about these days...where im sat on the floor, in my bra and undies, no makeup, all shabby, unshowered, sitting beside her cot so i can keep popping that dummy in for her so she can get some rest! :) hehehe

Every baby is different! I am not envious of those that have little babes who sleep like angels day and night, sit happily in prams, play peacefully by themselves and feed quietly for minutes at a time...definitely not! I believe my little princess was sent to me, as she is, in all her chubby cuteness for a reason....perhaps I needed a lesson in patience, endurance and grace! :) hehe
Miss Delilah are my entire world, and I love you MORE than I could ever imagine! Thank you for making my days eventful and full of laughs and tears! With your cheeky, stubborn personality, and amazing charm - you are going to go FAR in this life! Now.....get some sleep!!!
You can vote for my little minx in this years Bonds Baby search by following
this link!