Life has been a bit of a whirlwind for us the past few months. With a trip to Perth, as well as Matt landing an amazing new job (which sees us moving in a couple of weeks), we have had our days cut out for us. I have been busy trying to keep the girls from killing each other entertain the girls whilst trying to do a thorough clean of the house ready for final inspection. It is near impossible.
I had just popped DD2 down for her sleep when DD1 asked if I could read her some stories. She had a little 4 pack of miniature bible stories laid out infront of her on the floor of the playroom. I was exhausted, and could think of a million other things I could be doing at that moment, but I put my selfishness aside to spend some time with her.
The first book was about Adam and Eve. As I started to read, I realised just how intently she was paying attention. She was asking questions about each part of the story, including "why don't they have any boobies?" (the pictures were very basic). She asked why God had said that they weren't to eat from the tree of knowledge, and asked why they had to leave the Garden and work hard. She was taking it all in.
The second book was about Moses. But it was the third book that this post is really about. This little book was about Jesus. She was listening so intently, dwelling on every word that was read.
"But there were some people who did not like Jesus. They wanted to get rid of him. Jesus knew that he was in danger, so he had a last supper with his disciples. He told them that soon he would have to go away. "Don't be sad," he said. "Soon I will be in heaven." The people who did not like Jesus made up lies about him and soliders came to take Jesus away. The people hurt Jesus and then put him on a cross and soon Jesus was gone. Jesus' friends took his body down from the cross and carried him to a tomb with a big stone door. They said goodbye to Jesus and left him there, as it was a peaceful place. One of Jesus' friends, Mary Magdelene was sad about Jesus, so she went to visit his tomb. When she got there, Jesus' body was gone. An angel from heaven told her, "Jesus has risen, he is alive!" At once Mary spread the good news. Jesus visited his disciples. He asked them to go and tell people about God, but said that he could not stay with them. He had to leave to go and sit beside God up in heaven. The disciples were sad, but they did as Jesus asked. They went throughout the land and told everyone they could about God, spreading the good news.
She sat up and burst into tears, saying, "I just want to give Jesus a cuddle, why can't I give him a cuddle, I want to see him...I love him so much." I explained, that even though she couldn't see him, he was always with her, watching over her and loving her. He sends angels to give her cuddles and has given her family to cuddle whenever she is feeling sad. She again questioned why he couldn't be walking around like he was at the beginning of story. She wanted to know why people didn't like him, and why they had to hurt him and nail him to a cross. She couldn't fathom that anyone couldn't love her God, and it was a hard one for me to answer. I was just honest and said that some people choose not to love him, and some people don't even know who he is yet, but that he asked us to show others his love by being kind and telling them all about him. She continued on saying how she just wished she could be in heaven to be with God because she just loved him and wanted to be with him.
It really touched my heart, that someone so little, with such limited knowledge and understanding of God, could have such great faith and love for someone she has not seen. But it goes to show, that that is what faith is about. She knows she is loved and cherished by God and that she was created by Him individually...he made her in his image, as the only one of her kind. There is no one else like her. She is unique. She knows that he watches over her, loves her, guides her and keeps her safe. She knows she can run to him when she is feeling frightened or sad.
As a mum, I know that life gets busy and in the way and I struggle to display my faith openly infront of the girls. Oftentimes my faith and relationship with Christ is done when I get space and quiet to myself to think and reflect. But this has left me encouraged that the girls do notice, they are learning and they are wanting to know more about everything in this world - so I should be more open in how I handle and deal with situations that require me to lean on Christ and have faith in him. They are looking for answers....about everything, honest answers. They are such little sponges waiting to soak up all the information they can get their hands on, and the connections they make at this age, really determine the people they grow into.
I may not have a wealth of knowledge surrounding the bible, I don't know many verses or stories off by heart, but my love and heart for God is so huge, it hurts. I know how loved I am, and I strive to live my life in a manner that is pleasing to him. I pray that my children, if anything, simply have that same love and feel that same satisfaction that they are perfect just as they are.