Tuesday, 9 August 2011

{a mid-week thought}

Ecc 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in it's time

In life it is so easy to get caught up in the moment...swept away by emotions and feelings and things that just arent going right for you.

This verse jumped out at me in my quiet time last week as I was reflecting on body image and who I am in Christ. But I think it has many applications in life. Those times when finances are tight and you are struggling to keep your head above water, those times when work gets overwhelming, or when your relationship is being tested, those times also when your faith is being stretched beyond belief. Dark clouds of doubt can quickly fog your mind and consume your thoughts where all you think about are how tough times are at the moment.

Let this verse be a gentle reminder that God uses all circumstances for His good and His glory. Even in the most horrific and hopeless of circumstances, He has a plan and a purpose that is beautiful...one that stretches far beyond what you can imagine. We just have to remember it is in His time...not ours.

Much love


  1. Beautiful! Just love it gorgeous girl and YOU are simply that. Beautiful!

  2. So very, very true Danica .... love you xx
