Sunday, 13 January 2013

{family} A new year

2012 was a busy, hectic year. No wonder it went so fast! But i can tell already that 2013 is going to be just as crazy!

For those that haven't yet heard, we are expecting our second little bundle of joy, due in early July! We will be finding out if its a little brother or sister for Miss Placid, so stay tuned on that front!

We have 2 amazing weddings to attend toward the latter part of the year which we are really looking forward to! My beautiful best friend will be tying the knot in Broome, and our close friends will be getting married the following month in Bali! We have never been to Bali before so we are excited to see what that will entail - especially with a 2 month old and a 22 month old! :/

This year I hope to be alot more productive and organised than I was last year! Im hoping to get back into the word more, and have started a Chronological reading plan which i really hope to keep up with! I am also hoping to write and journal more, so hopefully there will be more regular blog posts going up!  I would like to start making some more dresses and bits and pieces for Miss Placid, and to also start decorating my home more, to make it more homely, inviting and personal. I have been looking for inspiration on pinterest and etsy already!

2012 was a tough year for us financially and we are praying for God's provision and blessing for 2013 that it will be our year to get back on top. We really need to learn to trust in God's faithfulness as we make decisions and trust in His timing and plan.

Looking forward to seeing what I will learn this year and what exciting adventures we will go on!

Stay tuned...

Much love


  1. you certainly do have a busy year ahead i love the new blog look too:)

  2. Hi Dan! Great to hear an update and congrats on your pregnancy! Seeing your two little ones together will melt your heart! I've been tryna request to follow u on IG but it's not working :( xx libby

  3. Congrats!! Do you know what your having? Jayne
