Reflecting on today...its been a good one. There have been some highs and lows, but my favourite part - was when D2 had a day sleep, and D1 had "quiet time" in her room, for nearly 2 hours! I had 2 whole hours of PEACE and QUIET...and it was AMAZING! I had a little 30 minute power nap on the couch and just pottered around the house - not really wanting to do much for fear of waking D2!
These two monkeys test my strength and build my character on the daily. I need to remind myself constantly that its a journey, for all of us. They are learning so much from the world around them, and how I hold myself in times of frustration/stress will ultimately impact on them down the track.
Parenting can be a scary thing in that sense...we are gifted with such a precious job and it holds huge responsibility as they are the products of how we bring them up (along with other variables of course!). Though, we as parents are only human, we can ask for grace and guidance and strength so that we can make the right decisions in moments where our heart says one thing but our head says another!
After our peaceful lunch naps, D1 had laid a little blanket down on the floor with some books and toys. D2 woke and wanted to sit down on it with her - but this caused a mini erruption as D1 simply didnt want her little sister sitting on her mat with her things! So D2 and I went and grabbed a bigger mat, and set it out for ourselves. All the while, Im talking about sharing, and playing nicely with one another etc etc...D1 got ever so slightly jealous that I had sat down on D2s mat and it didnt take long for her to ask her little sister if she could join in with us for the fun :)
I made the girls little hot chocolates (cacao powder, almond milk, dash of maple and some mini marshmallows) - this is no where near as good as a straight forward hot chocolate - but, they willingly oblige. D1 pulled faces whilst drinking it whilst D2 just went gung ho - and plastered it all over her face!
I then ran them a bath (which they dont normally have due to the sibling rivalry) and I thought tonight I might pop some Frankincense in there, which is a powerful oil in so many ways, but I was wanting it for its 'bonding' properties! ahaha and you know what - for the first time in forever (Frozen, anyone?!) they had a long bath together, playing nicely with no fighting! It would have been close on an hour they were in there together and I was amazed! And this calm, loving sisterly behaviour carried on right the way through to bedtime. I had been diffisuing frankincense through the house with some lavender too - just for an added boost of love! You dont reckon Frankincense will become my go to oil then for the girls daily then, do ya!?
[I am obsessed with my essential oils - what is the deal with them, you ask? Drop me a line - I would LOVE to share my passion of them with you!]
I am going to try and keep my camera within arms reach through the days, to capture some little moments in the day, so I can better remember just what my girls were like at this age. As much as they drive me crazy, I want to remember everything - the good and the bad. I also want to video as much as I can so I can remember the sweet sound of their high pitched voices, and the silly little things they come out with!
D1: Are the mosquitos going to be out tonight, mum?
Me: Probably, sweetheart. They always like to come out at night time.
D1: Well, Im just going to fight the mosquitos and say RAAAAAAAAAR..
Mosquitos are never going to be my friend
Sweet D1, wondering why on earth her hot chocolate tastes so vile! |
These little crooked feet....I simply adore them. They carry her far and wide, to wherever her heart desires. Usually...into mischief! |
My little wildling - always grubby! |