Thursday, 21 May 2015

Commit or Regret

Im baaaaaaaack....I know, I know - I have a terrible habit of starting things then not seeing them through! I am well aware of that! Though, I am determined to make this blog business work, for my kids more than anything! 

I have an UBER talented friend (actually I have loads of those gems!), who has committed to taking photos of her kids, and blogging about them at least once a week, so she can document their childhood! What a fantastic gift to give her children when they grow up! We are so blessed in this day and age that it can be easy to do this in the sense that we have phones/cameras/notepads at our convenience to capture these moments! However, life often gets in the way and we forget to snap a quick picture or write down the funny little sayings our kids make, and before you know it, you blink and all these precious memories become just that, distant memories! And I have realised that my memory is really, I cant remember much of anything unless its via a visual photo of the moment! Im forgetting things and its making me sad! I want to savour all the times...the good and the bad, document them all, and have them accessible for me, but also for others to learn from! 

I dabble in so many different things, and am always looking for new ways to make our little family have the best life we can - whether that be with our lifestyle choices/food/medicine/makeup this is going to be my central hub where you can read about what I am up to, what I am learning about and perhaps, you might learn a thing or two from me in the meantime!

I promise, I will be more dedicated to this! And if I get slack - I give you all permission to kick me back into gear! Deal?!? 


Today, I had the pleasure and honour of being Henna'd by the beautiful Kiah of Mamatree. It was the first time I have ever been Henna'd and it was amazing to watch Kiah in action! I can be creative, but my goodness, that is an artform! Kiah said, "Oh, its just like how when you doodle on paper when your on the phone...its like my doodles now have purpose!" Well, Kiah - if you saw my 'doodle' drawings whilst Im on the phone, you would be mortified and they wouldnt be going anywhere near my body with Henna! haha 

And Henna isn't just a pretty thing to have drawn on your body - it has amazing medicinal and health benefits! Double win! You can read more about the benefits of Henna here and you can check out the talented Kiah's page here

Until next post

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